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Business Critical Messaging

Whatsapp Solutions

With a reach of 1.5 billion and counting globally, and 200 million users from India alone, it is WhatsApp’s ambition to become the leading chat-app-partner of choice for enterprises.

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Promotional Campaigns

Chatbot Solutions

Enterprises are witnessing higher engagements on apps due to push notifications and various other engagement features, they are also witnessing lower revisit percentages, higher uninstall instances & memory consumption issues.

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Automated Batch Emails

Progressive Web Apps

Enterprises are witnessing higher engagements on apps due to push notifications and various other engagement features, they are also witnessing lower revisit percentages, higher uninstall instances & memory consumption issues.

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Promotional Campaigns

Marketing Automation

Consumers today are bombarded with brand communications on virtually every possible channel available. While that does ensure the communication a position in the consumer’s inbox but not really his mind, thus end up getting lost in a pool of.

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Automated Batch Emails

SMS Solutions

While the peer-to-peer communication has shifted towards data driven, application enabled medium, for enterprise to consumer communication SMS remains the most preferred and powerful communication medium.....

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Business Critical Messaging

Email Solutions

E-mail is the most sought-after messaging channel for enterprises that send out message critical, content heavy & important customer communications on a regular basis.

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Promotional Campaigns

Voice Solutions

Voice has proven to be the channel that most effectively breaks the social, literal, regional and linguistic barriers across geographies along with a deeper penetration in the urban, tier 2, tier 3 and rural population on a large scale.

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Promotional Campaigns

Rich Communication Services

Rich Business Messaging (RBM) is a communication protocol aimed at replacing SMS messages with a text-message system that is richer and can transmit in-call multimedia.

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