About IndusInd Bank
IndusInd Bank Limited is a Mumbai based new generation bank, established in 1994. The bank offers a wide range of banking services, including deposits, loans, cards, insurance, etc. as well as promotional, transactional and electronic banking products and services.
Over the years, it has received various awards, including – listed in the Top 100 Chief Information Security Officer awards 2012, Best Technology & e-Learning Award by IBA Banking Technology Awards 2010. It is the first Indian bank to receive an ISO 9001:2000 certification for its corporate office and its entire network of branches.
IndusInd Bank’s Objective
Today, IndusInd Bank stands tall as one of the reputed banks in the country, where all its employees are considered to be part of one-big-family. With this ideology in mind, IndusInd recognized the importance of safe-guarding their employees during a crisis and hence, approached us for creating a solution that could address and contain a crisis.
If you’re in a pickle. What do you do?
You don’t have access to a “SOS Signal” to help you.
How do you empower your employees and save the day?
Read further to know.
Combining Strengths to Devise a Solution
We put our thinking caps on and based on the brief given to us, we customized a platform that included some of Karix’s existing capabilities. We created a channel with a geo-location filter, crisis category and reporting panel through which IndusInd could inform their employees of a crisis or vice versa and receive responses regarding the safety of their employees. The channel comprised of multiple modes of communication:
- Missed Call
- Progressive Web Application pages (PWS)
- Interactive PWA pages
How Does the Platform Work?
While bankers are busy multi-tasking and meeting several deadlines under mounting pressure, we devised something similar to an “SOS Signal" to help lighten their load during a crisis. Also, we assigned specific roles to certain team members for effective task management.
With great power comes great responsibility, which is why only a few restricted users are assigned admin rights. The system is integrated with IndusInd Bank’s LDAP system through which the users could login. The system has 4 defined roles:

Once the Maker creates the advisory communication, an SMS is sent to the Checker with a link to the PWA page requesting their approval. As soon as the Checker approves of the course of action suggested, employees will receive the advisory via SMS. Through this message, employees can mark their response using the provided options of Safe, Unsafe, Help etc., and alert the bank of their status. Employees can also give a missed call on the given Virtual Mobile Number (VMN) to report an incident.
Easy to operate, with a clear and approved advisory, the system provides a holistic solution to ensure the safety of the employees. Not only does the system handle crises, it also generates an information flow based on the crisis and response and send it to the Reporting/Functional managers of employees and appropriate team.
A comprehensive report of each and every incident related to a crisis is made available on a UI panel.
Omni-channel Crisis Management Solution
Whether it’s a fire, hacking, or a round of rumors in circulation, employees can report the incident through the PWA link provided to them. The assigned employee will then take the necessary action.
During a crisis, the response from the system depends on the employees’ response. If the employee responds with ‘safe’ they would receive an acknowledgement SMS. This applies to the employees that respond with a missed call as well, providing them with a PWA link. Through the link, the employee can choose one of the options provided to report an incident. If the employee responds with ‘unsafe’ or does not respond, the details of the employee are shared with the functional manager assigned to them, and are patched with the Bank’s helpline number via call patching service.
A custom UI Panel is also part of the system, and enables the Maker to create an advisory according to the responses received regarding the location, crisis category etc., and send it to the selected set of employees who are in need of Crisis Management. The UI provides real-time comprehensive reports of all the advisories as sent by the Bank to its employees, as well as the responses as sent by the employees seeking advisory. These reports can be accessed by all the users including Super Admin, Maker, Checker, and Functional Manager.

In conclusion
Today technology can be used to solve multiple problems and establish processes like an omni-channel crisis communication platform that make our workplaces safer and happier to work in. Induslnd approached us with a problem that many organizations face today. At Karix, we can customize solutions to almost every problem by putting our best minds together and using our strengths.