With over 2 billion active users, WhatsApp isn’t just a messaging app – it’s a versatile platform for brands to create buzz, drive sales, and build lasting connections with customers.

Let’s dive into three powerful WhatsApp marketing features that will catapult your campaigns from overlooked to unforgettable. These tools aren’t just effective – they’re the key to cutting through the digital noise and capturing your audience’s attention like never before.

Carousel Messages:

Carousel Messages allow you to showcase up to 10 images in a single message, each with up to 2 buttons which can be either a Quick Reply, a URL, or a Phone Number button, making it easier for customers to interact without leaving the WhatsApp platform.

Why it’s cool: Carousel Templates offer a powerful alternative to traditional SMS or email marketing channels. By combining multiple images, text, and interactive elements in a single message, Carousel Templates provide a rich, immersive experience that traditional channels simply can’t match. They enable marketers to showcase products, services, or information in a new way, turning a simple chat into an interactive, mini-storefront or information hub.

How to use it:
  • Flash Sale Preview: Use the carousel to give a sneak peek at upcoming flash sale items, with each slide revealing a different product that will be discounted.
  • Outfit/look builder: Create a series of slides showing complementary products that can be paired together, encouraging multiple item purchases.
  • Accommodation Options: Display various room types or property options available for a specific location, each with its own features and pricing.

Pro tip: Use the last slide as a strong call-to action such as a special offer for purchasing multiple items from the carousel.

Example: A skincare brand could use a Carousel Message to showcase a 5-step skincare routine. Each slide could feature a product image, brief description, and a “Shop Now" CTA button. The final slide could offer a bundle deal for the entire routine.

Limited Time Offers:

Limited Time Offers on WhatsApp include a live countdown timer and clear call-to-action buttons, all within a single message.

Why it’s cool: Studies show that countdown timers can increase conversion rates by up to 332%. WhatsApp Limited Time Offer feature taps into this psychology, creating a sense of FOMO and urgency right in your customer’s favorite messaging app.

How to use it:
  • Launch a power hour sale: Set a 60 minute timer for deep discounts on select items.
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: Send a time-limited offer to customers who abandoned their carts, giving them an extra incentive to complete the purchase within a specific timeframe.
  • Event Ticket Sales: Create urgency for event ticket sales by offering early bird pricing with a countdown timer. As time progresses, the price increases.

Pro tip: Pair your Limited Time Offer with a fun fact or trivia question related to your product. It adds value and keeps customers engaged even if they don’t make an immediate purchase.

Example: An online course provider could send a Limited Time Offer message for a 24 hour flash sale on their most popular course. The message can include a countdown timer and an “Enroll Now" CTA button.

Copy Coupon Code:

This feature allows customers to copy promotional codes to their clipboard with a single tap.

Why it’s cool: Did you know 66% of shoppers have made impulse buys because coupons were available? The Copy Coupon Code feature further allows them to eliminate this annoyance of coupon code failures making coupon redemption a breeze.

How to use it:
  • New Customer Welcome: Send a message to new subscribers or app downloaders with a special “Welcome" discount. Include a “Copy Coupon Code" button for easy redemption on their first purchase.
  • Holiday or Seasonal Promotions: During major shopping events (like Black Friday or Christmas), send out special discount codes with the copy feature to make it easier for customers to use amidst the rush.
  • Invoice with Incentive: Send a post purchase invoice thanking the customer and include a coupon code for their next purchase with the CTA “Copy Coupon Code". When clicked, the code automatically copies to the user’s clipboard.

Pro tip: Use memorable, branded coupon codes. “SUMMERFUN25" is more engaging than “X7Y9Z3". Plus, it’s easier for customers to share with friends!

Example: An e-commerce platform could send a message saying, “Thanks for your purchase! We’d love your feedback. As a token of our appreciation, here’s a 15% off coupon for your next order." followed by a “Copy Coupon Code" button with the code “THANKS15".


Remember, the most effective WhatsApp marketing doesn’t just sell – it entertains, informs, and adds value. With these features in your toolkit, you’re well-equipped to create campaigns that do all three.

Ready to take your WhatsApp marketing to the next level? Let’s chat about how we can help you implement these features in creative ways that resonate with your audience.

Banking Made Easy: Leveraging WhatsApp for Superior Customer Engagement